October 24, 2005

see? i should be scared of dc drivers

mere DAYS after my post on how i'm a bit nervous to give the finger to fellow commuters due to my lack of a death wish, the washington post publishes a piece validating my fears. check out Death Reflects Area's Unabated Road Rage, which chronicles, among other cases, a recent incident where 2 dudes got into it on the highway, and so one dude pulled out his glock, stuck it out the car window, and shot the other dude multiple times.

note to self: be meek while driving. try not to get shot.

something else that is a little disturbing to me is how el shooter's family is all distressed and saying how this is 'totally unexpected' and 'he is a great father' etc. you know what? if you're carrying around a glock - which, incidentally, he was carrying illegally - and you are capable of getting pissed off enough to use it in cold blood? i have very little sympathy for your past history at that point. dude's mom is quoted as saying "... He's not a risk or threat to society." MA'AM. your son carries around illegal weapons, and SHOOTS PEOPLE TO DEATH WITH THEM. in my book, that = a threat to society.

he's pleading not guilty at his trial and will "argue that his actions were justified."


  1. Exactly. Times are changing that's for sure gone are the days you can flip someone off and go about your day. Making rounds to let everyone know my new blog address. http://whatssonmymind.blogspot.com/

  2. I still swear and flip people off when I'm at home. If I'm in a bigger city I tone it down.

  3. Good points Alice. I'm constantly amazed at how many "good fathers" or "people trying to turn their lives around" commit crimes like this.

  4. I'm not certain whether this incident validates Robert A. Heinlen's thought:

    An armed socitey is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

    Or not.


  5. Well now, Alice, let’s not rush to judgment here – MAYBE this guy was carrying around a glock because it was an antique weapon of sorts that he just had in his car to bring to his kids’ school for, like, show-and-tell or something, and was going to give a speech on how it was WRONG to carry around guns, and suddenly this other driver flips him off and cuts him off, causing him to swerve and get angry enough to hold up the gun and say “You are SOOO lucky I have no intention of using this gun!” at which time it ACCIDENTALLY went off and blew the other guy’s head to smithereens, and the good dad freaked out because antique weapons aren’t supposed to be loaded and now he DEFINITELY would miss giving his speech…

    And maybe I’m the powerball winner, too… ;)

  6. I love the "pleading not guilty". Not guilty? I am all about the "everyone is entitled to a defense" and all that, but if I were representing this individual, I would have a difficult time stating the "not guilty" pleading with a straight face..

  7. This is why I still ride a bicycle.

  8. You are shitting me? He's pleading NOT GUILTY? Holy crap. He is completely psycho and so is his family!

  9. he sounds preety normal to me.

  10. I exerienced road rage once in Tyson's corner. To the point I got out of my truck. Later I was like... WTF were you thinking?

  11. cali girl - HOLY CRAP! that is freaking insane. glad your dad is ok...

    dasi.. heehee

  12. Stick it to the Man, Glock User! I don't understand what all this BS is about, "a victim" and, "a bullet" and, "inordinate vehemence directed at another driver" and, wow. It's clear who the REAL victim is...
