July 20, 2009

i forgot to mention all the madras shorts

well, i sure was a heap of nasty mood all day today. i had a fantastic weekend, so i'm not sure what crawled up my ass and died to make me feel so hate-filled toward everyone, but... wow. i was not fun to be around. sorry, everyone who had to encounter me today!

maybe i should have brought the totally sweet nintendo dsi i got yesterday to work with me...? because HOLY SHIT, Y'ALL, thanks to lilu and brand about town, i attended a neat-o session where some nice girls showed us what the dsi does and let us play some games, before just... GIVING them to us. i didn't have to show my boobs or anything! win!

so that was awesome, obviously. saturday was also money, as the lovely dasi was in from chicago for the weekend. we met up at her friend's house and headed to georgetown for a night of mocking the men in georgetown. seriously: we went to a bar that was playing 80s music that night, and dasi kept incredulously asking if the guys were confused, and maybe thought they were supposed to dressed up in 80s clothes too....? but alas, no. guys in georgetown actually UNironically wear pastel shirts with sweaters draped over their shoulders, mirrored sunglasses on croakers hanging backwards around the necks, and of course, loafers and boat shoes aplenty (when not wearing the arlington brown flip flop, obvs).

also jammed into the weekend was spending some time with a friend from my airline days who was also in town, happy hour with the girls on friday night, yet another uneventful okcupid date on saturday afternoon, and a crab feast dinner with the crew on sunday night. good stuff, right?

so, with the weekend out the way, i am now free and clear to officially start freaking the eff out about blogher. um, i leave in TWO DAYS. i finally today got my cards printed up, and read through the sessions so i have at least a vague idea of what i want to be doing while i'm there. still left to do: figure out what the HELL to pack; fit that into a carry on. do people usually bring laptops around with them to all the sessions? pseudostoops and i discussed this briefly, and figured the answer to that is probably yes, but also that we were probably going to bring a pad and pencil to be all archaic-like.

oh, also? OMG EFFFF AM SO UNPREPAAAARED! but excited. and hell, i have business cards now, which totally makes me An Official Blogger. it's in the handbook.


  1. See, now you mentioned The Handbook, which means I have T-minus two days to find a strip club in Chicago proper. Cause it's in The Handbook right? (I promise to be over the strip club fascination by the time you show up)

  2. HOW do you even exist with all of your activities? I am exhausted reading your weekend and I felt like I had a busy weekend...I went out with friends Friday and then went shopping on Saturday.

    Have fun at BlogHer!!!

  3. I know what was wrong: it was Monday. Monday just sucks all around.

    Here's to hoping the rest of your week is just pure awesome!

  4. I'm so looking forward to meeting you. See you in a couple of days!

  5. Wishing you uneventful packing and journey to Blogher.
    Me, I'm catching a plane in just a few hours and I've been awake nearly all flippin' night with major pain. I took a vicodin and it didn't seem to make any difference. The dentist called it root sensitivity... but he didn't see me at my worst. I am in some serious P.A.I.N. Some of it radiates up my jawbone and makes my ear feel like exploding. Yeah, that will be fun while flying.

    Now you know why I'm wishing you an uneventful journey to Chicago!

  6. You're going to blogher? Wow I'm so unbelieveably jealous.

  7. Yes to the laptop and they'll have paper and pens in the sessions :)

  8. I wish I was going so we could meet!

    Have a ball hon!

  9. Please to put me in your suitcase...

  10. Ugh. Monday was rough here, too.

    Enjoy BlogHer. I've always wanted blogger business cards, but I do all my blogger meeting at happy hours anyway because of my love of drinking.

  11. I'm so NOT taking notes during the sessions. I'll likely bring my laptop with me to the conference, but I'm not yet sure how much I'll use it. Regardless, it's going to be so much fun!

    Also, leave room for LiLu in your carry-on. Please!!!

  12. sooo jealous, wish I was going!

  13. I HATE when I get in a nasty mood for no reason. And then I get pissed about feeling pissy and... well, you know. Downward spiral and all that.

  14. Have fun! Wish I could go :P

  15. Wait, Airline days?

    Did you used to be a stewardess?

  16. Dude. I'm wicked jealous that you got a DSi!!!!! *drools*

  17. huzzah! Hopefully I'll meet you there :) :)

  18. I am jealous of you girls and your DSI's. I am going to pout now.

  19. i didn't know you were going to blogher too! so jealous, have so much fun!

  20. Yeah, I let out some aggression on my blog this week...what a cathartic experience...hahaha...so, this Blogher stuff...are you gals going to sit around and make fun of all of us male bloggers? Hahaha!

  21. The saying goes that “There's a book inside all of us”, well here is a chance to let your book out. The wonderful people over at Blurb have given me 3 vouchers worth £30 off a Blurb book and to be in with a chance at winning just pop over to my blog.

  22. Note to self: Get business cards.


    Have fun, girlie!

  23. Why don't I ever get anything for free!! No fair!! (not that I play vid games.... I am just remarking on the in general injustice).

    Oh, and I watched the Arlington Rap for the first time. HILARIOUS! Bret has brown flip flops :)

  24. OK, blogging did recently get me a free meal at Chipotle, but still: why isn't anyone inviting ME to a Nintendo party??? No fair. Um, I mean, congrats! :-)

  25. Hi Alice, I'm Shelly's friend and I just wanted to stop by to say how much I enjoyed meeting you at BlogHer! I'll be stopping by often, I'm sure!
