December 08, 2008

i should really stop holding back about how i really feel

i am currently experiencing a lot of hate. VERY VERY HATEFUL HATEY STABBY HATE. those of you who follow my twitter may recall another period of hate, about two weeks ago, when my hot water mysteriously disappeared. my hot water, which i pay A LOT OF MONEY FOR, in a very expensive new building, went out. it was annoying and slightly comical, and then for no apparent reason, it came back on.

tonight i had a long, crappy day at work. i was there until 7:30, and went straight to the gym from there - a feat for which i already felt i deserved a medal - then finally made it home close to 9. i ate some dinner, watched some gossip girl, then headed into my room for a hot shower and an early bedtime, because i have to be at work again early tomorrow.

my house is extremely cold. the windows were apparently sealed with imaginary glue, or something, because they do a really crappy job. it's easily 15 degrees colder in my bedroom than it is in my living room - where the thermostat is - and it's not really that warm in the living room either.

so right now i am cold, tired, and have gym stank on me. a hot steamy shower would be ideal. and we have no hot water.

i am so irrationally angry about this. and the really shitty thing is that i can't do anything about it until late tomorrow. even if the gas people would come look at my effing hot water heater tonight, i can't afford to stay up and wait for them, because i have to be up early. and i didn't bring my computer home last night, so i can't work from home tomorrow morning. HATE. SO MUCH HATE FOR EVERYONE EVERYWHERE.

in other news, the match boy did call me last night. so there's that :-)


  1. Well naturally match boy called... who can't resist a gym stanky stabby hatefilled girl?? :)

  2. I'm glad for your one bright spot.

    Now, who do you know nearby with a hot shower? I'd offer, but I know you don't really want to drive all the way out here...

    [And even though we have newish windows and dh has made sure there is 18+ inches of insulation in the attic, our bedroom is stinkin' COLD. It's the weather. It's just that cold outside.]

  3. Agh you had to take a cold shower. Hun you have a right to be upset. The universe knows that I would be swearing and throwing shit around.

  4. Shower at the gym!

    Um, but wear shower shoes. You don't need assorted toe funk on top of everything; especially not with guy calling back.

  5. I would withhold rent from your landlord until that shit is figured out. There is no reason YOU should be responsible for fixing it when you're a renter and not an owner.

  6. imaginary glue haha.

    Also i don't think its irrational. I would be fuming. I'd fume enough to heat some water. But also then I'd ask for a rent reimbursement. The assfaces.

  7. Ha. I think TMC said it best. :-)

    On a more serious note, I'm sorry. I'm feeling similarly hatey, fixated on something similarly minor and yet major. As it is a work thing, however, I cannot in good conscience blog about it. :-(

  8. Ugh, what a pain in the ass. I think you should demand compensation from your landlord for emotional distress. This post can be Exhibit A.

  9. I hate cold showers. I'm glad you had a bright spot though. Yeah match boy.

  10. Dude that sucks.
    There is nothing I hate more than cold showers. Cold showers are the devil.

    When I lived in my parents basement, my room was always 10 degrees colder than the rest of the house (and my mother is a thermostat crazy lady, so I could never turn up the heat.) My suggestions for dealing are:
    a: space heater - my space heater is my most prized possession
    b: there is this plastic film you can get to put over your windows. it looks kind of like saran wrap. it's pretty easy to apply - you put a strip of tapey stuff around your window frame, put the plastic wrap over top and heat it with a hair dryer. it is amazing.

    I hope you have hot water soon!!

  11. You'd think living in the 21st century, in quite the developed country, there would be hot water.

    Jerks. I hope they get it fixed ASAP.

  12. Not having hot water when I really need it is the thing that can make me really angry...a broken internet connexion is second in the row, but very far behind:P

  13. Gah! I went a few months without hot water in my last flat in London, it was not fun at all.

  14. ugh. That sucks. Sorry for the cold shower.

  15. Very frustrating!!

    But good about the boy! :)

  16. Yep, I am so glad to read this. I also have been irrationally angry this week...or past few weeks. I worry about myself and the amount of hate I have right now.

    Tonight instead of getting some wine as usual, I'm loading up on anti-anger teas and seeing how those go (Valerian root, Passion Flower, Lemon Balm, etc).

    Hope you feel better though - sometimes just blogging about HATE makes you hate less, just getting if off your chest.

    And btw, I would TOTALLY give you a medal for going to the gym after such a long day. Can you pass that motivation on to me, please?

  17. I understand that anger. Our hot water goes out periodically too. It always seems the "periods" are times when I'm running late and don't have time to fuck around, and can't possibly get away with not showering.

  18. Oh, there's also the possibility that the universe was punishing you for watching "Gossip Girl."

  19. at least there was a silver lining to all your stabby hate!

    I'm sorry honey ... hope tomorrow is better for you!

  20. I don't think it's possible to reach an irrational level of anger about this. NO matter how angry you get, it is totally within reason.

  21. If he were really the one, though, he would have come over to fix your hot water heater. lol

  22. Major props for going straight to the gym!

    I hate it when I get super irrationally angry about something that is totally out of my control. I am even thinking, "I shouldn't be so angry about this!" But there is nothing I can do to control it :(

    Hope the hot water comes back.
