October 06, 2008

pay it forward contest, part II!

i hab a cowd. or a sinud infecshud. it's unclear. bud i am waiding patiendly for the day when i can breade again.

ok that's a lie, i am SUPER DUPER not patient about this. i am ready to be better now. NOW! RIGHTNOW! grr. *snork*

however! i am determined to make this a Good Week, despite the mucous valiantly trying to undermine me. it started off well, spending the weekend in NJ with my parents, and i'll be seeing a load of friends later this week (for my birthday!) so it seems like an excellent time to (finally, finally, finally) get my arse in gear for the next round of the Pay it Forward contest! you may recall, just a few.. er.. days? weeks? eons? ago, i got a fantastical package from shauna & jason, so it is high time for me to pass on the love. maybe the good karma i get from paying it forward will heal my stupid sinuses?

so! comment on this post any time before midnight on Sunday the 12th, and i'll announce a winner and mail off the package next week. whee!

in other news, have you been following swistle's excellent series where she posts hilariously embarassing passages from her childhood diaries? i thought it was BRILLIANT, and it totally made me want to go back and reread my old diaries. then i realized they were probably still in NJ, still in my old bedroom, and almost definitely read by my mother at this point. augh.

well, i located them when i was home this weekend. and... um... they're bad. really, really bad. i was comtemplating following swistle's lead (uh, like i always do) and posting passages, but HOLY HECK. swistle, you are BRAVE. it is SO MUCH FUNNIER when they're someone else's diaries, it seems.


  1. I just can't imagine sharing my hideously embarrassing teen diaries with the world. This from someone who blogs, who shares all sorts of details of my life ... but oh, the past, so not going there.

  2. I'm not trying to sway your decision or anything, but Sunday the 12th? IS MY BIRTHDAY!


    I hope your sinuses are feeling better in time for your birthday.

  3. I can only be thankful that I was not the diary-keeping sort, so there are few records of my total dippy mooniness of early teenagerhood. (Though I recently uncovered a cache of notes I'd passed in class with friends and oh my goodness. Mortifying. Did I ever think about ANYTHING other than boys? What if one of these notes had fallen in the wrong hands?!)

  4. Damn, I hope you feel better. It's no fun being sick! And I came across my old diaries - I should take a look to see if there's anything worthwhile in there. Though, I'm quite certain my life is not nearly as interesting in retrospect as it was living it at the time.

  5. A contest, huzzah!

    I hope you feel better. :)

    btw, my word verification word for this thrilling comment is "yaxxy"... I think it should be a real word but what could it mean?

  6. Hope you're feeling better soon! Copious amounts of water always helps!

    I shudder to think what my angst-laden teenage diary would say. I may even try to find mine this weekend when I'm at home. Not sure I"m brave enough to share though!

  7. Sweet! Contest! Enter me in pahlease!

    You know what I did with my childhood diaries? Ripped them up. Each and every page. I kid you not. I didn't want anyone reading them later in my adult years nor did I want to read them!

  8. My diaries are long gone. I'd love to read yours, though. :)

  9. i hope you feel better soon!

  10. Ok, I'm not entering. Just wanted to say feel better. I hate being congested...

  11. I wanted to follow swistle's lead too but then realised that I never kept a diary...so uh, ya thats not gonna work.

  12. Swistle's posts are amazing because she was such a thoughtful youth.

  13. Take 13 of these comments and call us in the morning.

  14. I WANT TO HEAR. Also, I'll need to check out my own teenage diaries when I go home for Thanksgiving. It will be cringe-inducing I AM SURE. Like that time I posted the link to my teenage website on my blog. OMG so embarrassing.

  15. I can't even bear to REMEMBER that time in my life, let alone share it with the internet. *cringe*


  16. miss leyba insisted that we post a comment b/c she just loves getting mail.


  17. I'm pretty sure I BURNED all my journals from that time of my life... all except for the one my younger brother STOLE from its hiding place under the mattress. What's worse? A mother or a younger brother? I'd argue it is the younger brother (mom, get a life). Like any other teenager, I was writing E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. thought, felt, said, or done with my boyfriend. I hope that missing journal isn't still out there somewhere... Luckily, Al Gore had not yet invented the Internet (his wife Tipper was busy lamenting rock'n'roll lyrics, and this was before rap came along!!) so I'm at least somewhat safe.

    If your cowd doesn't get bedder soon, id's pwobabwy a sinud infecshud amd you shoud go do da docdor for andibiodics.

  18. I hope you are feeling better for Thursday Alice!!

  19. Alice sweetie,

    You shouldnt be so sensitive about your weight, I was only try to help your ankles & knee's, just as a Doctor would.

    Anyways, lets calm down and try to save America before it goes bankrupt.

  20. Whoa, re-reading diaries is dangerous for my mental health... Nothing turns me into an angry 15 year old quicker.

  21. Hope you feel better! My mother is cleaning out their basement so I just got a shitload of old notebooks from them. Maybe one day I'll get up the courage to post some stuff!

  22. This childhood diary thing sounds like a good idea. Think I might give it a go. Might. Hope you feel better soon.

  23. My childhood diary=no f'ing way. If I could find that thing, I'd burn it.

    Brendan Harrington must NEVER know how I felt about him!
