August 19, 2008

WWC(ish): bitter & sweet

so i, uh, totally intended to do this week's WWC since i've been such a slacker recently, and the words were totally fun, too: bitter and sweet.

except. yeah. i suck. BUT! even though i do not have PHOTOS, i still have PICTURES for you. because i care, people. because i care.

so here we have an illustration of why living alone right now is bittersweet:

it makes me very, very bitter to have to pay double rent and double utilities. bitter, and sad.

...and yet i've got to admit that it's pretty sweet that i can run around in my underwear and no one is there to care / cringe / holler inappropriately.


in roommate news, i MAY have a friend moving in this weekend! yay! hopefully! someone i actually KNOW, too, as opposed to the craigslist folks who have failed to come through thus far. oh craigslist. how i love you, even while acknowledging how thoroughly unreliable 90% of your users are.


  1. Alone is good, double bills bad. Good luck with the new roomie!

  2. BWAHAHAHAHHAA. Those illustrations are AWESOME.

    Jason always yells at me to close the shades when I change clothes, but honestly, the idea that someone is hovering at their window, binoculars at the ready, at the precise angle they would need to see me, for a 4-second glimpse, seems HIGHLY unlikely.

  3. Ouch on the bills, esp. where you live!!

    Sweet for all the right reasons!
    I've had good luck and not-so-good luck rooming with friends. But rooming with acquaintance? No good luck there...just the bills getting paid.

    Best roomie of all has been my husband.

  4. LOL!!! Ok, that cracked me up. Well done you.

  5. AWESOME pictures! lol

    yay!(?) on the new roommate! Hope it works out!

  6. Why stop at the bra?


  7. Pics are awesome - love the green bra!

  8. Oh, I feel your pain over the bills. I have lived alone for so long though that I doubt I could stand to have a roomie now. Great play and I love the illustrations.

  9. I LOVE your "representations"! Who need pictures when you can draw?
    And crossing my fingers that your friend works out - MUCH nicer to have someone you know than an unreliable stranger. I know what you mean about Craig's list - love it, but some of the airheads on there - sheesh!

  10. That's too bad. I was looking for a place to stay too.

  11. MS Paint. A classic never goes out of style.

  12. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is my favorite post ever. Almost.

  13. LOVE your pictures! I hope you and your friend can live together harmoniously. :)

  14. SMILE! this is great. love the green bra!


  15. Love the pics. You're a Microsoft Paint DaVinci.

    So I'm going to go ahead and guess the code has something to do with underwear.

  16. HAHAHAHA!!! GREAT pictures. Good luck with the new roomie.

  17. Fingers crossed you get a flatmate!

    I think living alone would be fun. I'd never wear pants in the lounge again.

  18. i walked through my house the other day completely naked. it was amazing.

    good luck finding a roommate!

  19. There are a lot of guys on Craigslist who won't mind if you run around the apartment in your underwear. When I first moved to NYC, I was amazed by how many dudes listed a "roommate wanted" in some kick-ass part of the city, and they were offering free or really cheap rent in exchange for the girl just walking around in her undies and/or naked, or full-on sexual favors. Sickos, I tellz ya.

  20. LOL. You're funny. Pictures because I care people. Of course if I were a cynic I might say it was because you had too much time on your hands.
