August 25, 2008

weekend: FAIL edition

how to ensure you end your night with an Epic Fail:
  • have two very excellent friends get engaged, therefore necessitating an engagement party. with an open bar.
  • excellent friends provide a Party Bus from their house in Far Away From The City (FAFTC) into DC and back, due to open bar situation.
  • enjoy open bar. excessively. entire party decides to go dancing.
  • partway through dancing, boy decides that going all the way back to FAFTC is a silly idea, and going to my house (Right Next To The City) is a much better idea.
  • hail cab and go all the way back to my house. enter lobby.
  • discover that my house (and car) keys are at friends' house back in FAFTC.
  • ...and so are boy's.
  • oh dear.

luckily, this ended surprisingly well (just 2 cabs, one lucky unlocked back door, and 2 severe hangovers later) and we didn't have to sleep in bushes or anything. and OH MY HOLY HECK, the engagement party was SO FANTASTIC. any time both sets of parents end up dancing at a dive bar along with their kids? usually a good party.

how were your weekends?


  1. My weekend was awesome, as you know. I'm glad that our canceling the yogurt date clearly did not ruin your weekend.

  2. WHOOPS! Sounds like y'all REALLY ENJOYED that open bar!

  3. Your weekend topped mine for sure! I guess your new "note to self" would be to make sure keys are in your purse especially when being highly intoxicated.

  4. ACK!

    We replaced a toilet seat. How's your awesome party look NOW? Pretty lame, yeah?

  5. We got a quote for the new countertops we want installed, and I did school work. ROCK ON. ~LA

  6. I went to a party where people were playing "Rock Band."

  7. People are always griping about weddings and related stuff. I always have fun at those types of things though!

  8. Oh dear, that could've been disasterous! My weekend wasn't as nearly as fun as yours sounds!

  9. When people ask me what super hero I want to be, I'm going to start answering Alice. Seriously. How you live up to the rafters at these parties, I don't know. But, I want to be you!

  10. Great save to a potentially disastrous evening! I expect nothing less from you by now, Alice.

  11. on sunday, we went to a county fair and it rained. and my son cried on the ride and ruined it for the other family. But i got to eat an elephant so that's all that matters.

  12. Oops. I meant elephant ear. What a difference a word makes.

  13. My weekend was uneventful and full of suck. Thanks for rubbing it in! ;)

  14. I'm pretty sure I know where all of these cities you speak of are located and holey moley that'd suck donkey toes!
