July 07, 2008

weekend recap

hello, all! i hope everyone's Fourths were lovely? good long weekend? yes? i've been slackerific on the blog, because first it was the end of quarter here (remember a few quarters back? i upgraded this time!) and then after working until midnight on monday the 30th, i did a lot of slacking to compensate on the 1st and 2nd, and then our company gave us both the 3rd AND the 4th off. so, what have i been up to, you ask?

*on tuesday, muffin rented a harley fat boy, picked me up at work halfway through the day, and we drove back down to skyline drive in shenandoah national park. remember the brief bear sighting during our failed camping attempt last weekend? HAHAAAA. try more bears, closer up, and this time with LEGS UNCOVERED BY METAL, available for the chomping.

it was ridiculously gorgeous again, though. full set is here for anyone interested.

*on thursday, seeing as i didn't have to go to work, i went to the pool. like, all day. and DID NOT GET BURNED. congratulatory emails and/or flowers sent to my house are both appreciated and completely appropriate.

*then! thursday night! i saw wanted, which is FANTASTIC. if you like action movies, you'll like this. the plot is a little.. um.. how shall we say... weak? silly? ridiculous? but it DOES NOT MATTER, just ignore the talking and watch in glee as everyone is SUPER AWESOME ALL THE TIME.

*on friday, after some rock banding at muffin's house, we headed to a house party downtown, where we could watch the fireworks on the national mall from the roof. beer was consumed. fireworks were enjoyed.

*saturday was supposed to be tubing (again with the shenandoah!) but my girlfriend and i decided to bail since the weather called for scattered thunderstorms all day, and we actually know of someone who was struck by lightning while tubing on this river last summer. instead, we metroed into town for dinner, talking the whole time about how we were too old to binge drink, and it wasn't even fun any more, because the hangovers were so bad these days, and now we drank much more in moderation, blah blah blah. we started off with dinner and a bottle of wine at les halles, meandered over to michel richard's central for a few glasses of sparkling wine (winner of the 2008 beard award, incidentally! ...although we didn't actually eat anything there) before meeting up with some friends at russia house for vodkas.

*so yeah, sunday was definitely spent moaning in agony on the couch, trying to recover from a ridiculously bad hangover. AM SMRT.

to sum up: the past week has been lovely and relaxing, and i am NOT HAPPY about having to deal with a full 5-day work week now. lame.

at least i know that my reward this weekend will be meeting up with my chicago bloggers :-)


  1. Yay Skyline Drive! That's where we got engaged! I'm off to look at your Flickr set now to see if you went near the trail where we actually got engaged.

  2. How awesome are you? A ride on a Harley and seeing Angelina? So awesome.

  3. Yeah, girlfriend, you better rest up this weekend. Because so far? Sweets still can't find our soccer tickets for Saturday night. Which means, I'm finding you. Earlier rather than later. And we already know we've got some celebrating a la Cheryl's promotion. Think we can come up with other reasons to celebrate?!

  4. Looks like you had a really great weekend :) Yay!

    Have we figured out when we're all getting together? Saturday? Sunday?

  5. one of my besties nickname is muffin. love it.

    and your weekend sounds fun, but the bear sighting would scare me!!!

  6. I love that you go to the Shenandoah just for shits and giggles.

  7. Puuuurrtyyy (that's "pretty" in normal human talk) pictures! And gorgeous scenery!

    I think it's Russia House that did you in. I love their sputnik martini. mmmm....yummy!

  8. Well done on triumphing over sun burn! :) Now go put more sunblock on!

  9. I've always wanted to go to Les Halles ever since I read Kitchen Confidential!

  10. Excellent weekend. I love Rock Band. Maybe too much.

  11. Sounds like a GREAT weekend. Except the recovery part. And I WANT Rock Band.

  12. Why would you want to chomp on a bear's legs?!?

    Sounds like a terrific weekend. And with Chicago bloggertopia ahead? It doesn't get any better.

  13. Wow. Gorgeous photos.

    -Took me a moment to figure out why the bear's legs were (or weren't) covered by metal and why you'd want to chomp them ;)

  14. I can see why you'd want to do Skyline Drive on a Harley, but crimeny! BEARS!! At least you weren't camping, in the rain, right?

    Congrats on the no-sunburn.
    Find your sunblock and use it before your luck runs out! ;)

  15. I was so unhappy about coming back to work today that I was like 25 minutes late. My boss wasn't too happy about me coming back, either!

    Was the guy who got hit by lightning named Rod? Because that would be awesome. Not that he got hit by lightning so much, just the irony.

  16. Wow! What a weekend!


  17. I hope your work week was easy to ease back into. Long weekends kind of suck for that reason.

  18. oooh, awesome pix. sounds like a great holiday weekend.

  19. I want a fat boy! And a bear to ride with me lol
