February 23, 2006

hellooooo everybody

hi! i'm alive! not so bloggy during recovery, it would seem, but alive and well nonetheless. i apologize for my bloggish reticence, but i've been very whiny and selfish post surgery and mostly very tired and not wanting to deal with the enormous difficulty of writing down three sentences and hitting "publish" ;-P

i really am pretty much exhausted though. i've never had real surgery before, and hoo-boy it is not all fun and games. (you may all lean forward and yell "DUH" at me now.) i knew it would suck and all, but i've always been one of those fast-recovering bounce-back-ers and being laid up for so long is really annoying. (also: am currently still on vicodin (yaaayyyy pain meds) so coherence? maybe not so hot right now.) vicodin + recovery + not sleeping well = tiiiiiired...

i went back to the doctor today to get a "slipper cast," so i can start being a teeny bit mobile now. i've been on crutches since friday, and still will be on them for the next few weeks, but i have the go-ahead to start putting weight on the heel of my foot. yippee! the darn foot still hurts pretty bad, but not neeearly as bad as it did last weekend. i am pleased to report that although not under general anesthesia for the surgery, i was put into some super relaxed state and can't remember a thing. i also said some highly embarassing things while under the influence of happy juice (think: conversations about signing rap artists to my label) which matt had the forsight to capture on film thanks to his fancy phone, and i may have to kill him some day for that.

i also have some really gruesome pics of my foot from today at the doctor's when they took all the bandages off, but i certainly won't subject you guys to those :-) i'm way behind on blogs, and will be for a few more days probably, but wanted you guys to know how much i appreciated all your well wishes before The Surgery... you guys are awesome :-)


  1. LOL...my first experience with anesthesia was during my wisdom teeth removal. I don't think I said anything crazy...though I was really paranoid about it. But I did love whatever it was they gave me. I felt like a new woman.

  2. Hope you keep feeling better. Yay Vicodin!!!

  3. Yay! Glad you're feeling sort of better!

    That was my super-encouraging well-wish to you. Stellar, right? : )

  4. Glad your on the mend.

    High School Tag Your It On my blog

    just something for you to do while you are recouperating lol

  5. Take your time and make a full recovery. Your fans in blogdom are happy to hear you're fine. Oh, your out of office auto reply at work was turned on earlier when I left a comment on your previous post. I hope you got the use of bedpans down.

  6. I'm glad the surgery went well and that you were pretty well out of it during. And thanks for not posting gruesome post-op photos. ;) Get some rest! I'm wishing you a speedy recovery so that you can come back and entertain us. heehee

  7. good to see you back! I heard surgery would be a lot easier if we were assembled with velcro

  8. well thats awesome that you are doing OK, been wondering how things went. Follow the Doc orders, so you don't pay the price later on.... now how can we get that our hands on that vid... that would be sooooo funny. I recently had some surgery that gave me some of that happy juice too... guess I shared a few things that might have been better of unsaid... least they laughed at me. =)

  9. Glad to hear that you're reasonably well, Alice.

    Erm...how is this impacting your budding rock goddess stature?

  10. L I B darn....you get well now.

  11. Ok, Alice, it's time to get back to blogging... we miss you!! Isn't the vicodin working adequately enough to allow you to hobble over to your computer to entertain us?? If not, I know this guy... KIDDING! Hope you're doing better, anyway!!

  12. Milk it, baby. Take the good drugs for as long as you can.

    Surgery excuses blog absence. I'm way behind on blogs too, but I have no excuse. Well, my knee's been bothering me lately. Maybe I'll go with that!

  13. How much do we have to pay Matt to get that video uploaded to this blog?

    Hope you feel better soon ;)

  14. Woohoo... yaay mended feet!

    How was the bed pan? ROTFL


  15. Hang in there and you'll be on those sexy feet anyday now! Glad things went okay.

  16. Good to hear it went well! Thanks for sparing us the gory pics!!!!

  17. First, I say milk the recovery for all it's worth... and when you get all the strength back in your feet, I say stomp on that phone and all evidence of nonsensical under-the-influence mutterings.

  18. Um, did I miss the big news or did it get resolved while I was away ..Are you using a bedpan or what???



  19. Um, did I miss the big news or did it get resolved while I was away ..Are you using a bedpan or what???



  20. Sweet, I'm an idiot and posted three times. I'm hoping you can delete some of those for me.

  21. *** A tumbleweed blows through Alice's blog... ***
