January 09, 2009

friday nuggets

i've been really slacking at the gym recently. i've actually been going fairly consistently, but.. um.. have not exactly been pushing myself. so after i read my friend silvia's post about her walk/run method which enabled her to go 2 full miles (2! miles! that is, like, a whole mile further than i normally run!) i decided to give it a go. and it was AWESOME. i felt exhausted and hurty and my face was this charming shade of magenta that happens when i get out of breath, but so worth it. i'm hoping to convince myself to get up on saturday morning and do it again.


best spam email i have received recently: an "award notification" letter from... wait for it... the "oil petrouleum [sic] company." because oil companies are SO KNOWN for handing out large cash prizes. and also for misspelling their own product and company name.


i have a date tonight with the engineer. pro: he's not younger than me! con: he's an engineer. no offense to all the engineers out there, but i think you'll concede that there are an awful lot of awkward engineers. most of whom want to date me, turns out.


i've been having trouble sleeping this week, so one night i was all "i know! i'll read for a bit in bed" except guess what my dumb ass pulled off the bookshelf? harry potter book 7. because that is SO KNOWN for putting people to sleep. so now i'm several hundred pages into that and am having a very hard time working today, when i'd much rather be reading harry potter. REREADING harry potter, actually. brilliant.


  1. OMG I've been having trouble sleeping this week too. It's been a crazy week, what can I say?

    Have fun with the engineer!

  2. I've been slackin' @ the gym too.. blah

  3. OMG alice! i am SO proud of you for running! i just know that you will be able to do even more miles without walking soon enough.

  4. What's a "gym?" ;)

    Spam is being increasingly annoying as of late. People must be REALLY bored to send us all that crap!

    Have an awesome time with the engineer!

  5. I'm dating an engineer. I'd say your worry is completely valid, but there is hope! I found a good, normal one, so can you!

    I also just started rereading book 7 of HP. I read it so fast the first time that I don't remember half the stuff that happened!

  6. I won't take offense to your engineer comment. 1. I am not really a good engineer, and 2. I am not awkward (at least in my own mind)

  7. lol - my husband is an engineer. While he is *fairly* socially adept, he works with MANY who are NOT!!

  8. Maybe this engineer will be the exception, not the rule. I don't grab Harry Potter if I'm trying to sleep because I won't put it down and instead stay up all night.

  9. Darn books.

    Next time, try the book of Leviticus from the Bible. (Will I go to hell for suggesting that?)

  10. Hey!

    Young guys need lovin' too

  11. gym shym there's always monday :)

  12. Hi Alice,

    Once you get in shape, you can run 2 or 3 miles. Then on weekends, you can run 5 miles on Saturday, take Sunday off.

    Make sure you stay hydrated though. I will get you on a little exercise pland here and we will see what we can get accomplished.

    We will get you started Monday.

  13. Good work at the gym! It is good to start off that way and build up your running routine. And bringing your heart rate up and down is also really good for you! :)

  14. I was thinking about re-reading Harry Potter myself but i think I'm going to cycle back through Twilight first.

    It's been a long time girlie. How've you been? I've been a crappy blogger the whole past year but my resolution was to get better. We shall see. :o)

  15. But can the engineer spell??? :D

    Benadryl does a good job eliminating the post-workout face redness, though some people experience drowsiness as an inconvenient side effect.

    And the only thing more annoying than spam is misspelled spam. (Just deleted one with a subject line of “Make two day nailling marathone.”)

  16. 1. I'm jealous you have a good book to read, even if you've already read it.

    2. A date. You have a date. I cannot recall what that is like.
