June 17, 2008

WWC: chaos and mystery

the words this week from the lovely tink were chaos and mystery. i thought chaos would be much easier to find, but i never seemed to have my camera at the right moment. luckily for me, leaving bella alone for any amount of time results in at least a little bit of chaos:what's in the box? it's a mystery...

this one's a bit of a stretch... this hidden monument is often overlooked by tourists (and a lot of residents don't even know it's here) - and even if they do stumble upon it, it's often a mystery what it's a monument to.

(it's a monument to all dc residents who lost their lives in world war 1.)

can i tell you again how much i love you guys? i love you guys. hugs for everyone.

i have a nice busy week ahead of me - meeting my friend arielle for drinks on wednesday before she heads out to darfur (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), seeing a friend's band play on thursday, then on friday, my whole family is coming down for a weekend visit. yay!


  1. I've never seen that monument! not ever! And i feel like I've been in the area forever!!


    This is major. MAJOR!

  2. We love you too. And I've never seen that monument. And I really want to know what's in the box.

  3. Is Bella related to my SIL's dog? They both seem to have a thing for TP.
    You photographed a package. I photographed a package. Great minds think alike?
    But enough of the mystery!! Where can I find this monument?

  4. What's in the box? Alice, huh, huh? What's in the box, pretty please tell us!

    Kittens are da bomb.

    I can't believe I just wrote "da bomb." I am SO OLD. GAH!

  5. I've actually never seen that monument! I'm going to have to check it out.

    And we love you too! Looks like you have an awesome week ahead of you!

  6. Bella and Stella must be related - Stella unrolled an entire roll of toilet paper this morning (and I was already late for work)

  7. Sometimes I get the feeling you were my wife in a previous life. that's not weird, right?

  8. Aw. Kitty just wanted to roll it out for the next time you have to use the loo. I love the picture of the hidden monument. TOO COOL!

  9. Kitties and TP go hand in paw. :) Nicely done.

    I read part of your previous post. I can relate to not having as much blog time. I took 6 weeks off and tried to balance the other stuff before returning. Good luck with all that.

  10. Bella is so cute, how could you care that she unrolls your toilet paper ;) I love the monument photo.

  11. That Tonks! She's such a little rascal! ;)

  12. OH, that cat is just too cute. Toilet paper and cats almost always lead to chaos. Paper towels, too, if they can get at them...
    The shot of the World War One Memorial is magnificent. And I am here to tell everyone it's true - I was raised in Arlington, VA, and visited D.C. to sightsee all the time and I NEVER saw this monument, which is my loss - it's beautiful. Thanks for the belated sighting!

  13. Aw. Bloggy love back at you. I've seen that memorial; it's quite lovely.

  14. ooooooooo i love a mystery!

    and i also love what a fun week/weekend you have planned : )

  15. There used to be a commercial about a puppy who ran around with toilet paper in it's mouth dragging a roll of toilet paper around the house.

    I thought it was really cute until my dog did the same thing. I was vacuuming pieces of mulched up toilet paper out of the carpet for days.

  16. I think my cat could pose for a thousand chaos pictures... bella probably could too! :)

  17. Hope you are feeling less drowny. I've been thinking of you.


    I am THIS CLOSE to adopting a little black kitten....

  18. I love your chaos. That is fantastic. And mystery - great job - cause now we are all dying to know what is inside. And the monument is great, not a stretch at all, very clever!

  19. Put the toilet roll on backwards. With the paper coming over the top and down along the wall side. Then they can't unroll it. Really, it works. -Unless you leave a long part dangling down like that!
