April 09, 2008

this is your (cat) brain on drugs

i realize that last post made a lot of you be all "see? this is why i don't have a cat," and this next one is certainly not going to change your mind. the thing you have to understand is that while these episodes are kind of weird / annoying / alarming / weird, they're also TOTALLY AWESOME. if you're a cat person.

so when i get home from new york last weekend, i wander into my apartment, and immediately notice that my beige carpet has... stuff. ALLLLL over it. piles of... stuff. it looks sort of like my cat knocked over a plant and then spread slash rolled around in the dirt all over the carpet. except... i only have one plant, and it's still happily perched on my mantle.

upon closer inspection it became very clear what the substance was: CATNIP. huge, huge amounts of catnip. which is normally kept waaaay up in a kitchen cabinet on a shelf higher than my head. INTERESTING. i head into the kitchen, to be greeted with this:

so while i was gone, the cat somehow figured out:

a) how to open cabinets
b) how to open cabinets roughly 5 tall
c) how to get into / onto a then-exposed shelf roughly 6 feet up

...and then located the catnip on that shelf, brought the bag out to the living room, tore open the bag, and went hogwild. he was probably high the whole time i was gone.

he's a really, truly, fantastically dumb cat most of the time... but apparently catnip is the one thing that will actually get a synapse or 3 to actually start firing in that big dumb head of his.

that big dumb ADORABLE head, of course:



    Now tell about his purring.

  2. Aw, he's awesome! I so love his posture in the picture where he's "looking innocent" on the table. He's even looking the other way - how NONCHALANT.

  3. My neighbor calls catnip, kitty pot. Hilarious - clearly it has an effect on those crazy felines!

  4. That is awesome. Don't get between Oliver and his drugs. This makes me like cats a little bit.

  5. Aww lookit the little junkie!

  6. That's so funny! It's amazing the things they figure out.

  7. PETS ARE AWESOME!! How bored would we be without all of their (mis)adventures?

  8. Your cat is adorable, but insane.

  9. He is so cute! And he doesn't sound too dumb, if he can figure out all that in 2 days.

    This might be a stupid question, but I've never had a cat...what exactly IS catnip?? ~LA

  10. That is so awesome. I always wonder how they manage stuff like that. I used to come home to my freezer wide open and defrosted, and I have an IDEA how it happened, but I'm not totally sure.

    He's so CUTE!

  11. I used to house sit for my sister's zoo - horses, dogs, cats. The cat hated me. I have no clue why. he would climb up on top of the kitchen cabinets and throw up.

    I don't need to say it as it was in the first paragraph.


  12. That is pretty hilarious. I mean it's almost hard to be mad...

  13. your cat should be president.

  14. all I can see is the crazy, nipped out eyes.

    At least it wasn't POOP!

    (Our cats used to eat tinfoil out of the garbage and then hork it out. That is Not Fun to come home to, believe you me.)

  15. Those pictures are AWESOME. lol.

  16. The kitty cat, while adorable, still makes me think "Aaaannd this is why I don't have a cat!".

    However, she is obviously very clever. Perhaps you could teach her to do the dishes? Or take out the trash?

  17. I'm a cat person and loved this post.

  18. I also have a crack head cat who somehow figured out how to open drawers so he could get to the catnip. I now have to keep it in a Tupperware container in a locked cabinet so he won't get into it. Oliver is too adorable.

  19. So Cute! I love stories like this (accompanied by pictures, of course!)

  20. This is hilarious! I love the adorable pic at the end, of course, but the one of indifference when you arrive home? Priceless!
    Just please don't let Oliver tell Cleopatra his secrets!

    "If you don't talk to your cat about catnip, who will?"

  21. I completely believe that when we're not looking... cats are going to take over the world.
