April 15, 2008

baby weekend: success! and WWC #2

hi! quick post! i'm swamped at work because i'm covering for an out of town coworker, which = virtually no time for blogging. but! i had a lovely, lovely weekend with my friend + her new baby, and OH MY GOODNESS thank you, you guys, for all of your spectacular suggestions. i made cookies, muffins, and lasagna, thanks to your awesome input. i made the lasagna in little bread-sized tins, like for banana bread, so she could pull one out at a time and make one 2-person-sized lasagna at a time for dinner. she was a) very impressed that i cooked, since she had the pleasure of knowing me in college where i subsisted entirely on kraft mac & cheese and ramen, and b) very touched that i came down at all. so blogland: a hearty thank you from both me and my lovely new mama friend :-)

and on to my second WWC! the words this week were close up and background. i was totally going to scan in this picture i have from college, where i was trying to take a picture with one of my friends on the last night of school, and some annoying drunk girl kept throwing herself into the background of the frame to piss us off... but i was lazy and didn't get around to scanning it. so instead you get:

close up of my friend's 6-week old baby's adorable widdle baby feet

and a picture from rothenburg ob der tauber, where i was experimenting with focusing on the background image in the frame.


  1. Glad the food was a hit. I shouldn't have read your post so close to lunch time - It actually made my stomach growl! :-)

  2. Oh the baby feet! Why does your friend even NEED lasagna when she could clearly just monch on the wittle toes? Too cute!

  3. FANTASTIC wwc shots, Alice! That second one is just glorious.

    The widdle baby feet made my uterus and heart collide in a head-on 12-egg pile-up.

    Glad you had a good weekend!

  4. Fantastic pictures girly!

  5. Great photos. I really like the background!

  6. I love these pictures! I have a six-week old also, but I loved the pictures even before I read the post and realized the feet belonged to a six-weeker.

  7. Little feet! *Melts into a puddle of goo*

  8. I'm still laughing from Moo's comment, but I am also so jealous that you have such a gorgeous picture from Rothenburg o.d. Tauber! *sigh*
    Widdle baby feet are so precious.

  9. Baby feet are the only feet I like! :)

  10. Congratulations on your cooking success :)

  11. i love the second one! but the first one makes me hungry for pigs in a blanket :)

  12. Congrats on the cooking successes. And those baby feet? So cute!

  13. I like the flowers in that picture! and cute baby feet.

  14. Sounds like you were a true friend coming through! And I love that idea of lasagna in tins sized for two! How clever!!!

  15. Dude, I totally love the bread tin idea for the lasagna!

    Baby toes are so awesome - NOM NOM.

    I really love that last shot; the mix of the greens and oranges are really beautiful.

  16. That mini-lasagna idea is great! Adorable feet. Glad you had fun!

  17. Glad you had success with the recipes! And those photos are lovely!

  18. Lovely lovely pics :). And making the lasagna in loaf tins? Genius! I'm so stealing that one!


  19. Mini lasagna is GENIUS. Make one batch of lasagna and eat 1/3 of it in a bread tin today, freeze the rest in bread tins for later. Voila! No more eating lasagna for 5 days straight every time we make it!

  20. Just wanted to say Hi and I'm new here. Found you from SoMi. Love those cute little baby toes!

  21. You made lasagna? Hook me up with a recipe stat.
