January 21, 2008

this post rated R for language

hi! sorry everyone! once again i went off on a trip with no warning - this time to california for a week-long sales conference, where i thought i'd have a lot more time online than i did (turns out total time on line = 0). then my dad was down in dc this weekend for a happy fun father-daughter weekend. but! more on all that later... this post is really to say that a) oopsie, sorry, i'm alive, and b)

WE'RE GOING TO THE MOTHER FUCKING SUPERBOWL, HOLY SHIT. i am in fucking heaven right now :-)x


  1. LOL! You are too cute!

  2. Glad you're alive. And this must mean you like the Patriots. That's cool. heheheh.

  3. hahaha! i thought of you when i found out they were going to the super bowl. you must be going nuts now..love the post too!

  4. You're living my brother's dream!

  5. Y'all have to stop that mo' fo' Tom Brady in his tracks. He is always getting between me and all those supermodels I should be dating.

  6. I'm glad you're back! And I want to hear about your father-daughter weekend, for real. I am very curious.

  7. Good thing the Giants won. Their field goal kicker wouldn't have been allowed back in the state.

  8. Congrats. Once the Steelers were out of the playoffs, I started rooting for the Giants. That was a pretty damn close game!

    Now just make sure your boys go to Arizona and DESTROY the Pats.

  9. Wait...you play for the Giants?!?

    Can you get me tickets?

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. congrats and welcome back :)

  12. were you into football in high school? i just don't remember...
