December 03, 2007

pictures! i've got them!

finally, my computer cooperated ALL WEEKEND LONG and i was able to upload a bunch of bottlenecked pictures... so first, we have thanksgiving:

that is one pretty bird.

i got to meet up with some highschool friends briefly when i was home, which was fantastic:

and then! the champagne party that karl took me to:

karl looking dapper but suspicious

one of the chandeliers there; me classily eating meat with my hands; evian bottles designed by christian lacroix; me and karl

on the way home we.. um.. got bored in the metro.

and then, finally, poor kitteh got le snippity snip this weekend, and can no longer go have hundreds of little feline babies as dumb as he is. he seems wholly unperturbed by the situation.


  1. You two make a good couple.


  2. You and Karl are cute. But I beg to differ about your cat. Looks like little kitty is either (a) trying to drown himself in a glass of water or (b) trying to drink himself to death. Either way, your kitty is depressed!

  3. You guys are so cute together! He has all these tender expressions he makes toward you which are just heartbreakingly sweet. Also, I love your red wrap!

  4. Better late than never! great pictures of you and Karl.

  5. Karl looks GQ even with crutches, try not to kick him to the curb like you did the other guy. ;P

  6. your cat is so cute. and i LURVE the dress you wore to the fancy party! you two are so adorable!

  7. Haha! Love the cat picture. And you two do make a cute couple!

  8. Karl certainly does know how to accessorize. I'd have never thought of crutches!

  9. It's weird how obsessed with glasses of water cats are. I had a cat that would ignore a full water bowl so that she could jam her head into a glass and attempt to drink the residue.

  10. Also why has blogger changed so that you have to have a google account? I think it's stupid, and it means you can't leave your web address behind..

  11. Yay for pictures! Yay for fancypants Evian bottles! Yay for the Metro!
